Elisabeth & Brian {the wedding}

Elisabeth and Brians wedding was so fabulous. Every single second of their day the details could be found around every corner. The wedding was so them!
Elisabeths family owns a funeral home in Marinette. It is a beautiful old, Victorian house. Sounds strange, but it was the perfect place for her to get ready and take photos. In reality, all of Marinette was was the perfect backdrop. Old vintage buildings and history could be found on all corners. It’s small, quaint and friendly. Plus, we were loving the cooler weather. It’s about time, right!?
Elisabeth and Brians wedding story: remember— I did! 🙂
Elisabeth and Brian brought in a tent from Madison. Why? Because you can’t find a tent that fabulous anywhere near here! 🙂 So… the tent people came up to Michigan on Thursday and took all day to set up. They even took out a tree so Elisabeth could have her tent in the perfect place she dreamed of.
Well, Friday rolled around and the wind was stirring. So much so, that it took that big old tent down, ripping the fabric, and collapsing everything with it! Over the next 24 hours, it took a huge team of people, a new tent and new everything in the tent to fix the issue.
The whole catastrophe even made the front page of the paper! 🙂 Probably not for the reason most brides and grooms would want.
In the end, it all turned around. Right before the reception started Saturday evening, you would have never known. Perfection is the only word to describe it.

Peonies brought in from across the world!

Baseball cufflinks made from real major league baseballs.

Notice the detail on the cake. It matches her dress PERFECTLY! Plus the silver ribbon is really frosting.

Their signature drink! So cute…

Surprise gift— Packers/Bears tickets.

TOTALLY REAL! Plus, there was not even rain!

To see more of Elisabeth and Brians wedding click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To see all of Elisabeth and Brians wedding click here: ELISABETH & BRIAN










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