Amber & Brett {the engagement}

I met Amber through Sara and Jed (one of our fabulous couples getting married this winter.) From the moment we spoke I was excited for the wedding. Once I met the two of them I knew we were going to have a great time both at their engagement and wedding.
Brett is a pilot and teaches people how to fly. There really was no other choice for the engagement session, it needed to be at the airport hanger. Brett was slightly skeptical but Amber was fully on board. I think once we started Brett REALLY regretted letting me shoot out there. I had him kissing, cuddling and baywatch running… all the while his friends were landing and taking out planes all around us. Sooooo funny! Sorry Brett, it was! 🙂
Im still so giddy about this photo shoot and it was two days ago. It was soooo fun and I hope all of Bretts pilot friends get engaged soon so I can make my way out to the hanger again. 🙂
PS. Hope you are having a blast finding your perfect dress today, Amber!
Of course, Brett wanted to use the nice planes but I fell in love with the old yellow and olive green one! 🙂

To see more of Amber and Bretts Engagement click here: THE SLIDESHOW
…I just could not resist with the song…










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