Kristin & Eric {the engagement}

Kristin and Eric laugh. They laugh and laugh and laugh some more. They are so fun to watch. A dream to photograph…
Kristin and Eric will be leaving to move across the country in just six short weeks. They will be planning their wedding from afar and returning next summer for the big event! We are so excited to be part of it and cant wait to capture more of that laughter.
Kristin and Eric- thanks for being so great and trespassing on so much private property! 🙂 At least you got to put on a show!                                                                                                                        

This photo makes me laugh…they were trying their hardest to be romantic and serious, it just did not happen 🙂

Reason #1 why I love Eric- he initiated dancing in the apple trees with no help from me!

                   To view more of their engagement photos click here: THE SLIDESHOW










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