Chicago Engagement Weekend

Our first “location” engagement weekend took place over the past few days. It was a crazy time filled with non-stop shooting that ended up in some fantastic images. We are already so excited to have something similar happen next year.
The highlights…hmmm…getting kicked out of Crate and Barrel for one. Who new you could not have people lay in there beds and take photos 🙂 Or, there was almost getting scammed on the Pier. Oh, Chicago. We had fun running through pigeons (which apparently, are not afraid of you in the windy city. We stole an unsuspecting bell ladys vintage chair off the street- dont worry, it was returned. The list goes on and on. Adams favorite moment of the weekend happened Sunday morning when I woke up and told him, “I was in so much pain that if I was a horse, they would shoot me.”
Besides the aftermath of walking almost 15 miles on concrete, we had a blast! 🙂 Truly.
Ill be blogging individual posts on all the couples involved over the next week but today we are going to start with a fun slideshow.

Make sure and leave our couples some blog love in the comments over the next week. They are all SO fabulous….

Chicago Engagement Weekend Video! from Erin Hanson on Vimeo.










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