Cheers to Four!


Adam and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary this past weekend. On Friday his boss blindfolded him and led him out to my car. I had the heat blasting, 20’s music playing and really stinky aromatherapy all over the car. I thought for sure he would still know it was by car but it worked- he had no idea.

We were headed to Kohler which is one of our favorite places. It was not until about 1/2 way there that I realized he was getting car sick and completely overheated. So, he was able to see where we were going but had no idea what we were doing.

Kohler is one of the most romantic places in the area. It would be a great place for a local honeymoon too! They hold some of the most fabulous weddings in Wisconsin so if you have not decided on a venue yet you should check it out.










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