new blog – new 2012

2011 has brought me all kinds of memories.  There has been happiness, playfulness and extreme amounts of laughter.  There has also been sadness and loss.  Looking back at an entire year amazes me.  It’s ups and downs, the way my girls have grown, the way life goes on and on, ever changing.

2012 is going to be a big year for me. Why?  Well, I just know it is.  Starting it off right, I just launched our new BRAND, new website and new BLOG!  YAHOO!  I’m so excited to share this all with you.

I get so many questions about branding.  Branding is simple. It’s WHO you are.  Our new brand has a little of the old me and a lot change.  It’s my vision.  Your brand is not something you can copy or just create in a day.  It’s who you are at your core.  For me, this involved pulling tons and tons of photos and objects for over a year.  It was hundreds of dedicated hours.  There is still a lot of work to do, but for today, I will just be excited over sharing these two sites with the world!

To visit our new website: CLICK HERE

Below is a little glimpse into the new BRAND of erin jean photography!










the blog