Kim and John {The Wedding}

Kims dress spun around in perfect beauty. Her sparkling shoes sneaking out from beneath the layers with every step. She was a the picture perfect bride in every way. Glowing.

Johns smile could have lite up the entire atrium as Kim was escorted down the aisle by her father. Only when the DJ played Packer music for the walk back down the aisle did I see a larger grin.

Kim and John were blessed with rain on their wedding day, all day. And with that- the took it and ran. After about 20 times of us offering Kim an umbrella to stand under I realized she was different than most brides. Instead of fearing the rain, she embraced it as in gently hit her veil. I believe her words were…”it feels good.”

Adam and I had a blast and it was great to be able to experience all the Packer history at the same time. We even got to walk through the tunnel and be on the field! So fun!

Isn’t her dress amazing!!!
The shoes-

My spin on a shot Kim really wanted.

Johns car- he wanted pics with it so bad he opened up the top in the rain! LOVE IT!

Going on the field through the tunnel so many legends have walked before. AWESOME!

To see more of Kim and Johns wedding visit: OUR SLIDESHOW
Visit their Pictage site to see all of their photographs.










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