Lacey & Dustin are the movie couple. These two are so adorable and have been in love from the time they were itty bitty! 🙂 They first started dating in early elementary school. Then they broke up, he dated her best friend, elementary style, and that was ok with Lacey. But THEN he also broke up with her friend and started dating a girl Lacey and her best friend disapproved of. Now, that was not ok! 🙂 Apparantly, Dustin was quick the charmer.
Dustin eventually came to his senses and decided that Lacey was the one. They were high school sweeties and have made it the long haul. It’s a wedding and engagement their family and friends have REALLY been looking forward to! 🙂
Lacey and Dustin- Thank you for sharing your precious story with me! 🙂
To view MORE of Lacey and Dustins session click here: THE SLIDESHOW (coming soon)
To view ALL of Lacey & Dustins engagement session click here: LACEY & DUSTIN
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