Janelle & Robert {the engagement}

I laughed hard last night. Really hard. I had such a blast with Janelle and Robert at their engagement session. Janelle told me she had a love for vintage buildings, and the Packers (especially Clay Mathews) so we incorporated both.

These two love birds flew in from Florida for their shoot. They are both in the Navy and Robert is actually in it for life. They met and fell in love while being deployed overseas… love it! 🙂
My favorite part of their shoot was the ending. The Packer ending. Janelle wanted to tackle Robert and, well, she did! I think she may have been channelling Clay Mathews for that one! Between her seriousness in getting the tackle right and Roberts expressions while she was doing so, I could not contain my laughter.

To view more of Janelle & Roberts session click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To view ALL of Janelle & Roberts session click here: JANELLE AND ROBERT
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