The photography world has been changing for me in the last few weeks. WHY? I recently jumped head first into the past world of film photography. While I shot ALL film in photography school in Chicago I have not touched it from that point on. EVERY wedding I have ever shot was done digitally.

So why the change. Film has a look. A look that photographers spend hours in photoshop trying to reproduce. TRYING being the keyword. Film has a beauty that is all it’s own. The best point being it is gorgeous straight out of the camera. So, I figured… I would buy my dream camera this year, the Contax 645, and dive into the medium format film world.
This is the first roll of film I have shot on the camera. And for that matter, in the last 7 or so years! I can say, with all me heart, I am in love. In love with the colors, the skin tones, the life that this camera breathes. It brings me joy! It’s just the whole WAITING for the film to be developed that is going to teach me a new level of patience!
All images are straight out of the camera…

I lied… the bride has a small contrast tweak in photoshop 🙂










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