Tracy & Alan {the engagement}

There is nothing like ice skating. It’s the wonderful thing that looks like the most romantic winter love spot in movies. It’s that thing you did as a child that made you feel as though you were flying. It’s the grace and elegance that captivates hearts at the Olympics. It’s perfection. It’s ice skating!
So, when Alan brought Tracy her own pair of ice skates as his first ever present for her, she knew he was perfection. The one. 🙂
Funny fact. The first time they went ice skating, after that early date, was for their engagement session. It seemed ever so fitting. Plus, it was super sweet to watch Alan, who grew up on Washington Island, twirl Tracy around the cold ice. You could see the trust she had for him.

To see more of Tracy and Alans engagement session click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To see ALL of Tracy and Alans engagement session click here: TRACY & ALAN
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