Julia and Derrick {the wedding}

Julia and Derrick had a beautiful, themed wedding. They met going to a concert together and that has been a huge part of their relationship from that point on. So, it only seemed appropriate to design the wedding around what brought them together in the first place. I must say, they really pulled it off.
Julia and Derrick were so relaxed. I loved that. They really seemed to enjoy the moments of their day and appreciate all that was unfolding around them. I was so happy to be a part of it and help them remember their day for all days!
Congrats you two! Hope that the honeymoon is bringing you warm days because it’s soooo cold here! 🙂

To view MORE of Julia and Derricks wedding click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To view ALL of Julia and Derricks Wedding Click Here: JULIA AND DERRICK
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