Amber & Brett {the wedding}

Amber was giddy the morning of the wedding. Grinning from ear to ear and literally floating on air. Brett, who all thought would be nervous, was anything but. He would later give a speech saying, “what was there to be nervous about when you know you have the right girl?” They are meant for each other.
The day started out with a wonderful, light breeze floating through the air and the sun shinning. Sounds typical but the days before the wedding were sooo windy, cold and rainy. Amber and Brett really were blessed with a perfect day.
The St. Norberts Church had light pouring in every window. The bouquets, by Buds and Bloom, were amazing. I loved Ambers ideas for her flowers. They were free-flowing and smelled delicious.
I can’t lie. Most of all, I loved being able to be at another wedding at Thornberry Creek. It’s very different than when Adam and I got married but it’s still where we got married and we have wonderful memories involving our own “I do’s” that live there.

To see more of Amber and Bretts wedding click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To see all of Amber and Bretts wedding click here: AMBER & BRETT
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