Chandra & Aaron {the wedding}

Chandra and Aaron had a wedding that was all their own. Sewing machines, boats, a lab ring bearer, swimming and fireworks.
When I first met up with Chandra on the morning of the wedding she was sewing pieces onto her dress. A dress, that if I must say, was gorgeous! A dress that she made! Thats right… she bought the fabric in New York and made it right before the wedding. This would have totally scared most brides but for anyone who knows this couple… it’s just how they work.
The day was full of surprises. They boated into the ceremony site which was decorated beyond details. They later changed into their bridal swimming attire and took the plunge into Shawano Lake. The firework display was awesome— even if it did end in the police showing up. 🙂
Chandra and Aaron- your day was such a blast – both for us and your guests. Thanks for letting us be a part of the action!
Chandras sewing machine… hard at work.

Cutting her veil to length and her something blue 🙂

To view more of Chandra and Aarons wedding click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To view all of Chandra and Aarons wedding click here: CHANDRA & AARON
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