Kelley & Scott {the wedding}

Kelley and Scotts wedding was just as fabulous as their engagement. Full of style, laughter, and romance. Her dress was divine and so classy. The clover, green bridesmaid dresses, pockets included, were gorgeous and the guys topped it all off in their chocolate tailored suites.

Kelley was calm and collected. Scotts nerves were very present… 🙂 He was more nervous when everyone kept telling him how unbelievable Kelley looked. It was sweet, especially because he’s a firefighter and runs into burning buildings. Aparantly, walking down the aisle is a little more nerve wracking than that.
Once Kelley walked down that aisle and Scott had her hand, the nerves visably melted away. They spent the rest of the day in perfect happiness. It’s almost as if a bubble of pure joy surrounded them. Bliss, bliss, bliss….

The firefighter belts… we stopped at the fire station.
Yep, thats them, 10 stories in the air on the ladder!

To view more of Kelley and Scotts wedding click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To view all of Kelley and Scotts wedding click here: KELLEY AND SCOTT
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