Kristin & Eric {the wedding}

So many stories, so little time…

The day started with two fantastically, amazing, blue vintage, velvet chairs. I was in love with them. Kristins father thought I was crazy. Kristins mother was horrified. Kristin just laughed, hysterically. You see, the chairs I was in love with were the dogs chairs. 🙂 It didn’t make any difference. I loved them and they were about to be wedding day props!
Kristin and Eric live FAR away from home while Eric is in his residency to become a pediatrician. Which, by the way, he will be awesome at! So their wedding was filled with nothing but love, laughter and tears of joy. They miss their loved ones and that was obvious as they seemed to cherish the entire day with them so near.
They are the kind of people everyone wants to be friends with. So warm and sincere. Sooo funny. You can’t help but keep a smile on your face when you are around them. They love each other beyond words and measure. It’s a joy to witness.

To view more the Kristin and Erics photos click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To view all of Kristin and Erics photos click here: KRISTIN & ERIC
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