Elizabeth & Jake {the engagement}

“These better be some good pictures!” is what Elizabeth said as she shivered in her flowing dress while perched on an antique chair. It was COLD. Really, really cold. But, you would never know it. Elizabeth and Jake were amazing in Door County this past weekend. Truly amazing. They held there own against the Wisconsin weather and the pictures… well, if I do say so myself… they are some good pictures! 🙂

Elizabeth and Jakes wedding is only 2 weeks away!!! Lucky them- they get to be posted first!

Elizabeths Great Grandma made this wedding quilt in the 1920’s. SO AMAZING!

This is how Jake proposed. He wrote her a book! When she flipped past the last page of writing he had carved out the rest of the pages and there was the ring. Isn’t that sweet.

This is Elizabeths Grandmas camera. She started a photography club when she was young.

To View more of Elizabeth and Jakes photos click here: THE SLIDESHOW
To view ALL of Elizabeth and Jakes photos click here: THE EVENT










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