Door County Engagement Weekend – Day 2

Day two started out… well, interesting. We had no electricity in the resort. No electricity and no water. It made getting ready… well, interesting! After we left to start the day of shooting I asked Adam if I looked crazy. No curling iron and shower usually equals me looking crazy. Here was the conversation:

ME- Do I look crazy? ADAM- You look like you always do. ME- At home or in public? ADAM- A mixture.
Seriously! That’s not what I wanted to hear. To make matters worse when we went to get coffee the cafe employee asked if we were up in Door County roughin’ it? Seriously!
At least the fabulous shoots made up for it. We started out at 37 degrees and at one point had t-shirts on. The weather was totally insane but I ADORE all of our couples for being so great and up for all the “interesting” situations we had them in.










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