Random birthday thoughts…

Yep, today is my birthday.
Three years ago, I remember my birthday well. I took the day all to myself. Got a manicure and pedicure. Went to a pilates class for the first time and loved it. In the afternoon I had an amazing massage planned, courtesy of my hubby.
I remember walking into the spa and meeting the woman who was going to give me the much needed relaxation. She was pregnant. WAY pregnant. Suddenly, I was sad. The perfect day became a little less perfect.
The truth was that Adam and I had been trying to have a baby for a while and with no such luck. We were on that mommy and daddy “want-to-be” roller coaster and it was getting to be a long bumpy ride.
To make a long story short… about a month later we were told we would not have children on our own, without a miracle. Little did all those doctors know, we were pregnant with Lucy when they told us that news!
Three years later? My birthday will not involve manicures, pedicures, pilates class or massages. Nope. It will be filled with the two little girls who have stolen my heart. Lots of diapers, temper-tantrums, 15 or so bottles, 10 or so clothing changes, and 2 baths if it’s a good day. More importantly it will be filled with Ruby giggles, Lucy cuddles, wet kisses and true-true-true perfection. Happy birthday to me!
…because posts are always more fun with photos, here is a comparison of Ruby and me 26 or so years ago 🙂

Yep, today is my birthday… it’s a happy day!










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