Trick or Treat…

She was scared at first but soon realized that strangers were putting candy in her Elmo head bucket. Then it was all too fun.

Lucy ran from house to house saying, “hi, tank yooouuu, and bye, bye.” She really never got the hang of “trick-or-treat.” Mr. Woof was a humiliated fat pumpkin, again. One little girl ran away from him screaming… “HE HAS TEETH…” Poor Mr. Woof.
Lucys crowning moment was trying to snatch a second king size candy bar from a lady holding a kitty. She pretended to pet the cat while swiftly reaching back in the bowl. I told her NO… and she laughed at the lady saying… “Oh, SORRY!” Is that Adams kid or what. Hysterical.

Run, run, run… everywhere.

Our 2 babies…

Finally got that apple she was asking for at every house. 🙂
Passed out! Long night…










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